Sunday, December 23, 2012


The students continued to explore number sense through the use of rekenreks in our 1st grade math class.  Here is a picture of a rekenrek.  Since each row of beads show 10 in two groups of fives, through the use of different colors, students are encouraged to chunk their numbers.  What would 13 look like? Or 8?  Challenge yourself at home over our holiday break and have fun learning math with rekenreks.  Don't forget to visit our wiki as well for additional interactive games using rekenreks.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Using ipads to explore number sense

The students used iPads to explore numbers, addition and subtraction today.  We used an app called Multi-Touch Math, which allows the user to solve different number sentences with a given set of numbers.  We also used tangrams and geo boards to learn more about patterns and shapes.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Goldfish math

Today, first grade mathematicians explored subtraction with real goldfish crackers! We had so much fun learning our subtraction facts while using our problem-solving skills together.  Ask your child to explain how we used pictures, diagrams and number sentences to solve subtraction problems.
Perhaps you can try it at home too?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Chunking by 5s and 10s

First grade mathematicians continued chunking by 5s and 10s this week.  In math, we think about different strategies to solve our number problems and sometimes, chunking our numbers into friendly 5s and 10s help us be more efficient.  Here is a picture of what it looks like on our number grid when we chunk, and count, by 5s and 10s.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Discovering math conjectures

Our 1st grade mathematicians are making incredible conjectures, generalizations, in class.  As we explore numbers together, they are starting to see the similarities and differences between different number patterns.  For example, through our daily explorations of number sentences representing the days in school, the students have started to discover the patterns of even and odd numbers.  Please see our attached picture.  Can you check on these generalizations at home and see if other number sentences also fit this pattern?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Math Update

In Math this week, students have created a beautiful Sea Star Quilt which we have used to focus on counting by 5's. Next week students will be focusing on counting by 10's. We are wrapping up our current unit, and we are excited to be moving onto a new unit next week!How many ways can you find to count by 5s? If you count by 5s three times, how can you write that in a number sentence? Can you write it in many ways?  Let me know.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Learning about rekenreks

Ms. Schaw, our math specialist, joined our classroom this week to teach us how to use rekenreks.  Rekenreks are a mathematical tool that allows us to learn about parts of numbers and practice our fluency with numbers.  Thanks you, Ms. Schaw.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sorting Objects

1st grade mathematicians continued to sort objects in our class this week.  They learned that mathematicians sometimes organize their sorts into neat piles, or columns, to compare their sorts.  We started by neatly organizing our objects.  Here is an example.  Can you see what attribute these mathematicians used? Next week, we will start to graph our objects.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Learning about attributes in math sorting activities

First grade mathematicians learned about mathematical attributes while participating in different sorting activities last week.  The students worked in partnerships and explored how objects can be sorted based upon color, size, texture and shape.  Here are some pictures from our stations.  Can you sport objects at home too?  How about socks, cutlery or fruits?

Counting by 10s

Here are some pictures from our class, counting objects while grouping them by 10s.  First grade mathematicians learned that chunking by 10s sometimes allows us to be more efficient and more accurate.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bug Story Problems

First grade mathematicians created bug story problems in class.  We traded math problems and solved each other's mathematical stories.  The pictures were uploaded into storyjumper online and with the help of props, brand new problems were created for you at home.
Challenge yourself.  Don't forget to show your thinking in many ways.  In class, we use a traditional number sentence (5+1=6, for example) and we quickly sketch our thinking, so we can show how we arrived at our answer. Smart mathematicians always justify their thinking!

Here is the link to our new book:

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Looking at patterns in number corner

The month of September is almost over and I wanted to share our almost completed September calendar in Number Corner.  As you already know, we always start math with calendar activities in Number Corner.  We explore numbers and operations and patterns.  If you look at this calendar with your child, how many different patterns can you discover?  What are the attributes of those patterns, for example, can you find patterns based upon color or type of bug?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Money Math

First grade mathematicians are learning about money as part of our daily Number Corner routine.  They are practicing the different values of coins and how we write these values in both numbers and symbols.  We even have a money song to help us remember the value of each coin.

Here is a link to this money song (scroll down the list of songs until you see "Money Song")

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Geometric explorations in art

This week, 1st grade mathematicians explored geometric patterns and designs in art.  Here is a sample of some of their creations.  As you view these images with your child, ask him/her which creations are symmetrical?  Which designs have more hexagons than trapezoids?  How many more?  Challenge your child to "re-create" a design with other shapes.  Have fun.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Celebrating our good choices...again

Last week, the students filled our buzzy jar again! We celebrated with ice pops.  They tasted extra delicious in the heat!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

This week in math

Dear Families,
In math, first grader mathematicians continued to explore geometric patterns through pattern blocks and polydrons.  The students learned about "repeating patterns" and how we can use our language to "justify" our mathematical thinking to prove our mathematical ideas.  Ask your child to define what a repeating pattern is and what attributes make it repeat.  Also ask your child to explain how we use "Private Reasoning Time" in our math classes.  We have talked a lot about the importance of sense-making in math and private, quiet think time allows all of us the opportunities we often need to make sense out of a mathematical problem.  The students are so kind and respectful of each others' thinking.  The love to contribute to the group and share their observations with each other.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Our first math class

First grade mathematicians had their first math class on Thursday.  This is a very special class to us as we get to meet friends from other Harmony classrooms.  On our first day we played a name game to get to know each other better.  We also explored math manipulatives, such as pattern blocks, polydrons and bugs ( not real, but rather made out of plastic!).  Here are some pictures:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Our new unit on Geometry

Dear Families,
We just started our new math unit on geometry, a unit that allows the students to explore the mathematical concepts in 2- and 3-dimensional shapes and patterns. Please read the parent letter in the sidebar for updates on new concepts taught.  Workplaces started again and the students will return to regular Monday homework again.
Here are some of the amazing shapes created by our students.  For example, ask your child how many triangles fit inside a hexagon?  A trapezoid?  Also, ask your child to justify, or tell you how he/she knows that?  Encourage your child to look at the pictures and explore the connections between the shapes, while justifying his/her thinking.