Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hello First Grade Mathematicians!

We just completed a big adventure and exploration of a land far away from Vermont with birds that do NOT fly! Can you guess where and what we were learning about? If you guessed Penguins, you guessed correctly! In our classroom we took a "trip" to Antarctica to learn about all different kinds of penguins! We read books, poems, weighed, measured and collected a lot of data about each kind of penguin. We learning about the Rockhopper, Gentoo, Chinstrap, King, Little Blue and Emperor penguins! Ask your mathematicians at home to tell you all about them. Their penguins folders were just sent home filled with all of their data and information.

On Friday we practiced our number sense and operations with rekenreks on the iPads!  Everyone really enjoyed working in partnerships, creating a number on the rekenrek and then asking their partner "how many are hidden?" Students had to justify their answer and practiced two numbers to make 10 or 20 or even more!