Thursday, September 29, 2011

Math Updates

This is a picture of our math story problem wall in our classroom. You can solve similar probelms by accessing our storyjumper book online, linked previously. Simply scroll down. Thank you.

This is a picture of our Number Corner Calendar. Every math class begins with a number corner activity. During this time, the students explore various matematical concepts through calendar work. Patterns are discovered and tested, number sentences are shared and the relationships between odd/even numbers are explored. How many patterns can you see in our calendar for September? Ask your child to help you discover more!

This is another piece of Number Corner. The students are learning how to effectively compose and decompose numbers, chunk numbers and count fluently. What number is this? Is it odd or even; and how do you know? How many ways can you quickly count this number?
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Math Story Problems

Our first grade mathematicians have worked very hard on our bug story problems in class.  Please read our online collaction of these stories.
We hope you enjoy them, and don't forget to visit our classroom for the traditional paper copy. Click here to read it online.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Exploring geometric shapes

We wanted to share some pictures of our geometric creations. The students created designs using pattern blocks and then transferred this design over to a paper, used paper cut-outs and glued the pattern onto a black background. We are very proud of these pictures. How many trapeziods can you see? How many trapeziods fit into a hexagon? How many triangles?

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Our first math unit: Bugs

We have started our first unit on bugs and insects in our classroom.  In this unit, the students will explore many different mathematical concepts through the sorting and graphing of bugs.  The students will continue math fluency practice and learn simple addition and subtraction facts as well as they rotate through the many work places we have in our classroom, using many manipulatives to learn these concepts.  They use unifix cubes, pattern blocks and ten frames to name a few.  Click here to access the unit planner and family letter.


Dear Families,

Welcome to our new 1st grade math blog.  This blog is a place where you can stay connected with the learning that takes place in our math classroom.  We will post pictures, videos and podcasts.  We hope that you will check it frequently as we will update this blog often.  In the sidebar, you and your child will have access to other sites as well.  
The wiki contains many educational and interactive math games.  I hope your child will explore these at home.  These games will not only reinforce important math skills, but hopefully also spark an interest in mathematics!
The parent resource page links out to Team Harmony's parent page, which, among other things, contain links to parent support materials for our math program Bridges. This site has many valuable links to printable materials and support packs.  
The sidebar also contains a link to Best Practices, a CSSU initiative emphasizing the development of mathematical habits of mind and interaction.  

Our math program at Allen Brook is called Bridges.  We feel very fortunate to provide this very interactive and constructivist program to your child. Throughout the year, your child will bring home a variety of homework assignments.  Your child’s homework will be compiled from many different math resources in an effort to help your child develop a solid conceptual understanding in math.

I am looking forward to being your child’s math teacher this year!  Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.  We are off to a fantastic year already!

Maria McCormack