Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Learning about rekenreks

Ms. Schaw, our math specialist, joined our classroom this week to teach us how to use rekenreks.  Rekenreks are a mathematical tool that allows us to learn about parts of numbers and practice our fluency with numbers.  Thanks you, Ms. Schaw.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sorting Objects

1st grade mathematicians continued to sort objects in our class this week.  They learned that mathematicians sometimes organize their sorts into neat piles, or columns, to compare their sorts.  We started by neatly organizing our objects.  Here is an example.  Can you see what attribute these mathematicians used? Next week, we will start to graph our objects.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Learning about attributes in math sorting activities

First grade mathematicians learned about mathematical attributes while participating in different sorting activities last week.  The students worked in partnerships and explored how objects can be sorted based upon color, size, texture and shape.  Here are some pictures from our stations.  Can you sport objects at home too?  How about socks, cutlery or fruits?

Counting by 10s

Here are some pictures from our class, counting objects while grouping them by 10s.  First grade mathematicians learned that chunking by 10s sometimes allows us to be more efficient and more accurate.